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An uncensored mod to restore the censored 2 seconds footage of Nu Pogodi cartoon in Atomic Heart. The footage is censored by recent patch due to the whining and pressure of Woke Crowds.
1. Download the original file 下載原檔案
(Just choose one, they're the same file stored in different website. 擇一下載便可,兩者是同樣檔案)
2. Go to here 進入以下資料夾:
(The disk where you installed the game):\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Atomic Heart\AtomicHeart\Content\Movies\NuPogodiNew
3. Replace "Nu_Pogodi_29.mp4" with the original file you downloaded.
PS: You might need to redo this procedure whenever new official patch is released.
註: 官方每次發布新補丁後可能皆須重裝。
Credits to 猿神擁躉 / https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198006534928