Modern Warfare - A Modern Gameplay Mod

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Bunch of modern features for Bioshock Infinite. Aim While Holding, Game Fov, ADS Scaling, Sens Scaling, Hitmarker Sounds, HP and SALTS Regeneration, Sprint Normalization, No Head Bobbing and Sway Effects, Player Speed, Hardcore Mode.


All the other versions, even if official, are not supported. We will never implement versions different from Steam

Modern Warfare is a modification for Bioshock Infinite
Implements modern gameplay mechanics in order to make the game way more fun

- Customizable in-game Base Fov
- Customizable Sensitivity Scaling for Aim Down Sight
- Customizable Sensitivity Scaling for the Sniper
- Aim While Holding, dedicated to the quickscope lovers
- Sprint’ Fov and Sensitivity Normalization
- Customizable Hitmarker and Killmarker Sound Effects
- Better Dof Calculations
- Health and Salts Regeneration, in the unique cod style
- Player Speed Scaling for the Classic Arena Lovers
- Fully customizable Hardcore Mode
- Removal of Head Bobbing Effects and Weapon Sway Effects

All the settings are totally customizable using the mod’ configuration file.
What are you waiting for? Come on, jump in!

Modern Warfare supports the Latest Official Steam Build Only. All the other versions are
not supported, even if official. We don’t own the game for the other clients, so we cannot
share a stable build. We will never implement versions different from Steam.

Modern Warfare supports the Steam Deck, but a third-party library is required.
User must use protontricks and then add the mod files using the library override function.
After the customization of the settings, the game can be launched with the mod.
Credits go to theduck333.

To install the mod, just extract all the files in the folder where the Bioshock Infinite
Executable is. Typically, it’s steamapps\common\BioShock Infinite\Binaries\Win32
To uninstall the mod, just remove the files.

You can customize all the mod settings using the mod’ configuration file
ModernWarfare_Settings.ini. To customize the Hitmarker and the Killmarker sound
effects, just replace the files hit.wav and kill.wav with your own.
Here is the configuration in details:

fBaseGameFov = %%
The in-game base game Fov. Value is in horizontal degrees.
The scaling will use this value to perform the calculations.

fAimFovScaling = %%
The Aim Down Sight Fov Scaling. The mod scales the base game Fov using the provided
value. If the base game Fov is 120, the Fov while aiming will be 120 * fAimFovScaling.

fAimSensScaling = %%
The Aim Down Sight Sensitivity Scaling. The mod scales the base game Sens using the
provided value. If the base game Sensitivity is 1, the Sensitivity while aiming will be
1* fAimSensScaling

fAimFovScalingSniper = %%
Like fAimFovScaling, but it’s applied only to the snipers.

fAimSensScalingSniper = %%
Like fAimSensScaling, but it’s applied only to the snipers.

bEnableHitMarker = %%
Enable or Disable the hitmarker and killmarker sound effects. 1 = Enabled - 0 = Disabled.

bEnableHpRegeneration = %%
Enable or Disable the Health regeneration. 1 = Enabled - 0 = Disabled.

bEnableManaRegeneration = %%
Enable or Disable the Salt regeneration. 1 = Enabled - 0 = Disabled.

iStartHpRegenAfterSeconds = %%
The seconds from the last damage taken, before pushing the health regeneration.
Minimum value is 1 = Start the regeneration after 1 second from the last damage.

iStartManaRegenAfterSeconds = %%
The seconds from the last vigor used, before pushing the salt regeneration.
Minimum value is 1 = Start the regeneration after 1 second from the last usage.

fHpRegenerationPercentage = %%
The percentage of health to regenerate each second.
15 = regen the 15% of health each second of regeneration.

fManaRegenerationPercentage = %%
The percentage of salts to regenerate each second.
15 = regen the 15% of salts each second of regeneration.

bDisableHeadBobbing = %%
Enable or Disable the head bobbing effect removal. 1 = Remove - 0 = Don't Remove

bNormalizeWeaponDof = %%
Enable or Disable the Weapon Dof Normalization. 1 = Enable - 0 = Disable
This feature removes the blur from the weapons and does better background depth of field
calculations in order to aim better.

bBetaAimWhilePressing = %%
Enable or Disable the beta Aim While Holding feature. 1 = Enable - 0 = Disable
Instead of toggling the aim, you must hold the left right button down, like in the modern fps.
This feature is still in beta, and it only works with the right mouse button.
If you have any issues, you can disable this feature in order to play as usual. Probably a remap
of the buttons is required, since the default game’ settings use the right mouse button to cast
the vigors.

fPlayerSpeedMultiplier = %%
Apply a multiplier to the default player's actions speed. If you set it to 2, for example, Booker
will move twice as fast! It’s dedicated to the classic players who love the fast shooter gameplay
like Unreal.

bEnableHardCoreMode = %%
Enable or Disable the Hardcore Settings. 1 = Enable - 0 = Disable
Enabling the hardcore mode, the Health and Salts regeneration will be automatically
disabled. You can customize how much the game will slap you.

fReduceDamageGivenBy = %%
Decrease the damages that your weapons and vigors do to the enemies. Basically, the enemies
become stronger. If you set it to 0.5, for example, your weapons and vigors will do half as
much damage as normal. The minimum value is 1.

fIncreaseDamageReceivedBy = %%
Increase the damages that the enemies do to Booker. Basically, the enemies become stronger.
If you set it to 2, for example, the enemies will do twice as much damage as normal. The
minimum value is 1. Modding this setting, also your shield will be affected.

Modern Warfare has been written in assembly x86 and runs under FASE86.
It uses our proprietary technologies VirtualPipeline and PipelineStreaming
to minimize the system lantency and works embedded into the game engine logic.

Modern Warfare directly manipulates the game's logical pipelines to introduce the new
features, due this reason it's shared as a binary. Modern Warfare only works in the Bioshock
Infinite’ environment, and kills along with it. Modern Warfare:

DOESN'T connect to the internet;
DOESN'T drop files into pc;
DOESN'T collect any type of data;
DOESN'T change any pc settings;
DOESN'T install stuff;
DOESN'T touch nothing;

For more information about privacy and security, feel free to contact us.

THEDUCK333 - for his suggestions about the Steam Deck support. Too much love ♥️
NOTANAGENT- for his debugging sessions. You were awesome ♥️
ELROND PREDHEL - for his debugging sessions. Much love to you ♥️
ILLUZIO - for his special feedback and suggestions. Thank you mate ♥️
JACKALDARK666 - for the beta testing in the early development of the mod ♥️
1202DESTINY - for the beta testing in the steam environment ♥️

Feel free to contact us on NEXUSMODS to provide any feedback and suggestions. Nexus is
the only official channel to reach us and to download our mods. Any other downloads
different from NEXUSMODS must be considered a fake, so avoid using them.​
Uploaded by
Senkuu Aoki
First release
Last update
Total Size
5.6 MB
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