No NSFW content 10 years later so I decided to upload something, a very useless mod, neuron activation for about 5 seconds.
1: Choose Version 1 or 2, see images, (censor not included)
2: Unzip "Splash" into the XGame folder. For Steam the path should look like "-:\-----\steamapps\common\BioShock Infinite\XGame\Splash\PC\Splash.bmp"
1080p screen resolution minimum, it will appear too big for the screen on anything smaller
(Optional) I recommend using SteamEdit to remove the 2K launcher.
---Make Your Own---
Use any image smaller than your screen resolution, size is determined by resolution of the image and your monitor, edit with software and export as bmp, name it Splash and place it in Splash\PC folder, it will not work just renaming a file it must be converted properly to bmp.