- Game version
- v1.53
- Region supported
- CUSA-10410
For now, we are missing one nipple so will be added later.
Now with bare feet and new nipples, scandalous!
Replaces outfit #5 with a nude textured model worthy of a Queen-layer.
Currently female player only.
This mod replaces outfit #5 with a custom nude body model with updated textures.
You can change to this outfit at any time by interacting with the mirror next to the bath tub in home base.
To Install:
Extract either NudeModNippleUpdate.pak or NudeModNippleUpdateBarefoot.pak from the rar archive.
Copy the NudeModNippleUpdate.pak or NudeModNippleUpdateBarefoot.pak file into a mods folder in your Code Vein install directory, for example: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\CODE VEIN\CodeVein\Content\Paks\~mods\
If the ~mods folder does not exist, create it.
To Upgrade:
Delete all old versions of this mod's .pak files from your mod folder before installing a new version.
To Uninstall:
Delete the NudeModNippleUpdate.pak and or NudeModNippleUpdateBarefoot.pak file from your mods folder.
Created mods by @KarbonKitsune
Converted from PC to PS4 by @윤희지