
  1. S

    How to Offline Activate Your PS4 Profile (All Methods) - Master Tutorial - All Firmwares

    Master Tutorial for All Firmwares - With PSN Account / Without PSN Account. Web Activation Method - Computer Method - Step by Step on Extraction of PSN ID & Creating a PSN ID.
  2. W


    I wasnt using my ps4 since so long. and last I jailbreaked my ps4 pn 5.05 hen exploit. is there any new exploit or what? if yes, Kindly tell me how to update on that so i can download latest games.
  3. H

    can i use games on this site for my jailbroken 5.05 ps4?

    hey there, i was wondering if it was possible to use the games found here on my 5.05 jailbroken ps4 LINK and if it's not possible, why can't we have all the games listed there playable on 5.05 some games like ICEY and Nidhogg are fun but i can't find them anywhere
  4. B

    Upgrading the internal PS4 HDD 5.05 Exploited Firmware question..

    Hello I just recently purchased an 8TB 3.5 SATA HDD to replace my original 1TB HDD in my exploited 5.05FW PS4 pro. (I purchased a SATA extension to route the 3.5 to go on the side of the console) 1. What will I need to do to upgrade my HDD without losing my exploit? 2. Can you please put it...
  5. D

    [Q] Question regarding recovery PUP on 5.05 PS4 noBD with possibly HDD with bad sectors.

    Hi guys, newbie here. I bought 4.07 PS4 few days ago, updated to 4.74 and then updated to 5.05 through injector and 4.74noBD->5.05 patch. Everything was great except when I started installing pkg games, problems appeared. It seems that the HDD I bought with console was somehow partly fucked up...
  6. C

    [VERY IMPORTANT] 5.05 Savegame/DB DESASTER recovery after FULL data loss (worst case!)

    (Very important to get ALL available experts here !! - Many thanks in advance !!) Good Morning @ll, I'm Chris from Germany and for the last few days, I lost all nervs that I had... Initially, I was looking for a 1.50 Fake-Update-Patch for my Witcher 3 game (CUSA-01439). However, due to the...
  7. Z

    PS4 Ghosts 1.20 animations dump w/ addresses

    deleted yeet
  8. Z

    PS4| Bo3 1.26 Addresses + Bytes

    deleted thread sorry big project in the works
  9. KebabS

    What's good y'all? ;)

    Hey there. I like kebab B) The best introduction ever. Right? ;)
  10. KebabS

    How do I restore my savedata?

    Hey. I just screwed up big time. I was deleting a game by using Mira + HEN and all I wanted to was just delete the game, savedata and patches but it deleted every single thing now. I thought the setting was for one single game but instead it was for every game. Is there any way to undo this? I...
  11. A

    6.0 update

    spider-man is less than a week away from being released and there has been no news regarding the release date of 6.0 yet.. i hope it stays this way.. this'll allow us to play all the latest games that have been released for 5.55 as soon as the cfw for it is released, which i'm guessing will be...
  12. P


    Hi, Im just wondering if there are any professionals out there who have used this program for finding your own cheats on many different games. So far I have been successful in finding the money hex in GTA 3 and it worked great! I had to scan twice inside PS4 Cheater changing my cash twice to...
  13. A

    spiderman ac odyssey tomb raider requirement

    what firmware are these games going to require? 5.55 or 6.0.. i hope they are on 5.55 so a jb 5.55 can allow us to play them asap.. wish the jb for 5.55 was out already! i want to play onrush...
  14. X

    Save game not working ?

    Hi i yesterday must reinstall my PS4 Pro (because PS4 Cheater broken console) and i did it a backup from al azif site. I paste me save with FTP server but when i go to me console i don't see anyting I done evething from this tutorial Pls help me i have saves with 50 hours on horizon zero dawn...
  15. J

    EUR AU Littlstar VR Cinema - [CUSA-06742] [NoPSN]

    Game Name: Littlstar Title-ID: CUSA06742 Game Version: 1.00 5.05 I Have tested this on 2 consoles 5.05 Phat, 5.05 Slim - Working on both, Side loading working once you create profile in the app. Not my work just a repost from another site.
  16. S

    How to enable browser in 5.05

    Does anyone know how to enable browser in 5.05
  17. I

    PS4 Toolbox 5.05 (Mods)

    Here is an updated PS4ToolBox for 5.05 , enjoy easy mods! ================================================================================== *******GET THE NEW BUILD for 5.05******* :mariobanana: :mariobanana: ==================================================================================...
  18. C

    Exploit 5.05 - Can I go "Online"?

    Hi Guys, I have a question: Can I go online while i´m on exploit 5.05? I´m asking because some games like The Crew are only playable when i´m online. if not, why do some sources dump this game when nobody can play it completly ofline? Greets
  19. I

    PS4 Cheater 5.05

    Here is an updated PS4Cheater for 5.05 ================================================================================== *******GET THE NEW BUILD for 5.05******* :mariobanana::mariobanana: ================================================================================== Love me yet? :happy: