
  1. M

    PS4 PassCodes for PKG ... Let's "mine" them

    Hi... I know, it's crazy to think we can brute force a 32 alphanumeric random key first off... but lets just take it as an ambitious project from the coding standpoint and lets give the community a chance to get lucky for once. I've been working now for some days on a program which would try to...
  2. D

    Tutorial: How to dump ps4 games and then get into the Game files for Data mining

    So since there is no Thread for data mining ps4 games as far as i know i will do a Tutorial First of all i will not help on questions or problems What you will need: 1. The Game installed on you ps4 2. Jailbroken ps4 (i do it with a 5.05) 3. A usb stick or a HDD 4. Tool to decrypt the psarc...