
  1. K

    Is there anyway to register 07.61 ps5 slim disc drive with out updating firmware

    Hi Gamers got hold of a exploitable ps5 slim 07.61 console but disc drive will not work until paired/registered online but will have to update first. I won't be able to use bdj exploit but have heard utmx exploit supports 07.61 which isn't dependent on disc drive. Any thoughts will be apprecieated
  2. J3rm41n3

    Tutorial How to Check Your PS5's Firmware Version

    Sony is making it harder for the average PlayStation 5 owner to check what firmware they have installed in their units. What with the consoles themselves having a long string of numbers like this, for example: 22.02- So, how do you check the firmware that's currently...
  3. T

    Site with updates firmware version?

    First sorry if this is in the wrong area. I didn't know where to put this. I was wondering if anyone had a site with updates firmware version? I know of for example, but that doesn't have every game. Thanks
  4. R

    Switch 12.1.0 Atmosphere 19.5 SigPatches 19.4

    I just updated my switch to 12.1.0 by accident and installed Atmosphere 19.5 with SigPatches 19.4. When I launch my games however i get an error saying "Game couldn't be launched. Go back to home" is this just down to having to wait for sigpatches to be released or am I doing something wrong...
  5. J

    Upgrading your switch Firmware Version

    Hello guys so ive just installed a game and it doesnt start and stuck on the nintendo switch and it seems like i got the 7.0.1 (AMS0.8.4) version and i need to upgrade to 8.1.0 As U/Dorianx12 said, i upgraded to 8.1.0 using the ChoiDujourNXv101 and patched it all to the 8.1.0 so far so good...
  6. A


  7. S

    I updated my firmware version by mistake need help.

    My firmware ver was 6.2.0. but i accidentally updated my ver to 8.0.1 when i was using ftp. still games are working. but i am worried. can i go back my older firmware? should i even go back to my older version? which firmware is correct at this time ?
  8. M

    PS4 restore will it update firmware?

    Hey guys, I've looked everywhere for this question without success, so I hope the awesome community here can help me out! (I'm using the same hardrive as I have invested in an SSHD) 1: I have a PS4 firmware 6.00 2: I bought a PS4 Pro firmware 5.05 3: Did a backup of my PS4 6.00 4: Moved SSHD...
  9. A

    spiderman ac odyssey tomb raider requirement

    what firmware are these games going to require? 5.55 or 6.0.. i hope they are on 5.55 so a jb 5.55 can allow us to play them asap.. wish the jb for 5.55 was out already! i want to play onrush...
  10. R

    Getting a ps4

    Hey guys, I'm a long time pc user and I've never had a console. I recently found out that ps4 jailbreak and pirated games are a thing and am trying to get a ps4 now but I'm looking for some general advice. I will use it jailbroken almost exclusively as money is really tight here and an AAA game...
  11. D

    Ps4 pro firmware help

    can someone confirm which firmware these Ps4 pros have? P-27452461-D with S01-6243151-8 and P-27452506-D with S01-1486424-F