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    EUR SNK vs Capcom 2: SVC Chaos - [SLES-53065]

    Game Name: SNK vs Capcom 2: SVC Chaos Codebreaker Injected: NO Widescreen: NO Title-ID: SLES-53065 Size: 280MB Issues: Make sure to select "Arcade" option in the "Options>Graphic" section. Notes: 99.99% of the visual glitches fixed and patched, no more missing hud/UI, but can still flicker if...
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    USA Samurai Shodown Anthology - [SLUS-21629]

    Game Name: Samurai Shodown Anthology Codebreaker Injected: NO Widescreen: YES Title-ID: SLUS-216.29 Size: 1.5GB Issues: None that I saw Notes: Fully patched and updated to fix all slowdown and graphical issues that I could tell. There's a huge story behind this, in that I found Samurai Shodown...