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  1. S

    USA Ace Combat Zero: The Belkan War - [SLUS-21346]

    Game Name: Ace Combat Zero: The Belkan War Codebreaker Injected: NO Widescreen: YES Title-ID: SLUS-21346 Size: 3GB Issues: Patch pre-applied to fix ground corruption and collision detection. Minor shader corruption in sky, nothing major and still fully playable and enjoyable. Notes: Hidden content
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    USA Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War - [SLUS-20851]

    Game Name: Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War Codebreaker Injected: NO Widescreen: YES Title-ID: SLUS-20851 Size: 3.5GB Issues: Patch included to fix ground texture issues. Minor shader corruption in sky, nothing major and still fully playable and enjoyable. Notes: !!! WARNING !!! Saving/Loading is...
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    USA Ace Combat 04: Shattered Skies - [SLUS-20152]

    Game Name: Ace Combat 04: Shattered Skies Codebreaker Injected: NO Widescreen: YES Title-ID: SLUS-20152 Size: 2.6GB Issues: Patch included to fix ground issues. Minor shader corruption in sky, nothing major and still fully playable and enjoyable. Notes: Hidden content