• Important Notice to All People
    Important Notice to All People
    Would you like to help this site to make mods system better? Then please contact Senkuu Aoki


  1. Senkuu Aoki

    Important Read Notice: Free Mods Only – No Stolen Mods/Reuploads Allowed

    Hiya @회원 | Member , I would like to announce this site, as we have been thinking that many modders are not happy that they made their mods that were paid for mods or donations by official Patreon or other sites. We want to prevent people who steal "paid mods" like Resident Evil Series and...
  2. S

    PS4 6.02 Jailbreak!!!! *HELP*

    So!, I started my new PS4 and was sitting around playing a Little bit, and the thought came to me, well why not Jailbreak it because i want more games to it and i didn't had the Money to buy a new one.. so, I was just wondering, how the heck do i Jailbreak a PS4 on a firmware 6.02? I checked...
  3. T

    How to play Switch .nsp games for free on 5.1 (possibly other fw).

    BEFORE DOING THIS MAKE A BACKUP OF YOUR SYSTEM OR WHATEVER (unless you dont care about playing online). 1. first you need to get those files and extract them: http://www.mediafire.com/file/ccpr9n9orfnz2a7 https://github.com/eliboa/TegraRcmGUI/releases 2. put the contents of SD files in dark...