
  1. M

    Video Tutorial - Host your own PS4 9.00 Jailbreak Server on the cheap (ESP8266 D1 Mini)

    Hey all, I made this video to help others find an alternative to Jailbreaking their 9.00 PS4s without an internet connection. I hope this helps! I have other videos if you find this one helpful at YouTube. Thanks, MC
  2. J

    Running PS4 Host on Asuswrt-Merlin (Your Router)

    Just posting it here in case someone else is interested: Al Azif's ps4 exploit host on ASUS router running Assuswrt Merlin:'s-ps4-exploit-host-on-ASUS-router-running-Assuswrt-Merlin
  3. adzx

    PS4 Jailbreak Tutorial Noob Friendly

    This is a simple 4 step tutorial on how to jailbreak your PS4 For this tutorial you will have 2 options either host your own exploit on your PC or use the Official ayakalounge site. Requirements: 1. Al Azif's exploit Host (for hosting locally) Get it Here. 2. An exploitable PS4 on FW 4.05 Or...