
  1. S

    EUR Suikoden V - [SLES-54087]

    Game Name: Suikoden V Codebreaker Injected: YES Widescreen: YES Title-ID: SLES-540.87 Size: 4.3GB Issues: Reported to have gfx corruption in PAL50 mode. Don't select that. Only use NTSC60. Notes: This game has been injected with Codebreaker. When you first run the game on PS4 it will run...
  2. S

    EUR Suikoden IV - [SLES-52913]

    Game Name: Suikoden IV Codebreaker Injected: NO (but working on it) Widescreen: NO Title-ID: SLES-529.13 Size: 4.2GB Hidden content