ps4 tool

  1. Guillaume MrNiato

    PS4DLL RTM, a simple way to code your own C# tool

    PS4DLL RTM, a simple way to code your own C# tool Today I bring you a C# library wich allow you to code easely your RTM tool for Playstation 4. This library include the PS4Lib by BISOON but also include something new like an adresses library. In this Library you will be allow to put your own...
  2. Guillaume MrNiato

    Fake PKG Tools v1.5.1 for PS4 available

    First of all you can follow me on Twitter to get more news : cfwprophet has publish a new version of his Fake PKG Tools, the version 1.5.1 is now available since today. Download : Hidden content You can give me a donation by using this link , I'm trying to...