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  1. G

    Pressing Power for one time shutdown device... After enable AutoRCM, help!

    Hi Everyone, Recently I bought dongle and installed Reinx then downgraded my switch to 6.1 for exFAT32, I used ChoiDujourNX.nro but It's asked me if I want to enable AutoRCM on and I said yes, now everytime I press power switch went off. I have to put RCM jig into joy con, Power and Volume UP...
  2. R

    Reinx Custom boot Logo

    I made a boot logo using a painting of mine (@artistcraynes Instagram) for Reinx (I believe works with Hekate). The logo was created with: TheExpertNoob Custom-Splash-Script-for-ReiNX I'm not sure if the .bin is acceptable to link in this forum so here is the image. Google the process for using...
  3. M

    Switch CFW Hub

    Final Update: For those still using these outdated ReiNX builds, please update to the latest Atmosphere (which I highly recommend, especially since it works on 7.0.X) or the latest ReiNX (for the weebs out there). Either those or SX OS if you're stupid enough to spend some cash on it. Hidden...