Not a bug Ad block pop up won't stop please help

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회원 | Member
회원 | Member
Feb 21, 2020
I get the ad blocker has been detected pop up even after I disabled it in chrome for this site. If I close the pop up then I can barely see the threads. If anyone can help me figure out how to get the site to recongnize that I've disabled ad block that would be great.
Did you try different browser ? new fresh browser like firefox if you use chrome, or chrome if you use firefox
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I get the ad blocker has been detected pop up even after I disabled it in chrome for this site. If I close the pop up then I can barely see the threads. If anyone can help me figure out how to get the site to recongnize that I've disabled ad block that would be great.
It's about your own cookies from the browser has an issue. You would need to disable Adblock or add a whitelist to your own Adblock then clear your own cookies on the browser after relaunching the browser should work.
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