Implemented Again With The Theme....

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Request PS2 Games To Me
회원 | Member
Jun 12, 2018
Alright seriously whoever who's in charge of the themes on the site need to stop messing with the default theme. It's cool and all that you wanna make themes and change the layout but PLEASE LEAVE THE DEFAULT ONE ALONE AND CREATE NEW THEMES BY THEMSELVES. I can't stand not being able to switch back to the default forum look. All these themes are nothing but annoyance.
Agree the old theme (dark default) is mobile friendly , this theme lag when scrolling...
I prefer the "dark fantasy" style/theme honestly
I mean i'm sure a lot of people do but no one should be forced to use a theme they don't like. All i'm saying is they need to leave the default style as is, and if they want to add new themes, make them separately. Don't overwrite the default one.
Hi everyone,

All of your own styles was favorite. Now that `ayakalounge - Normstylal` has been enabled, but this will not be default style. Only `ayakalounge - Dark Blue` will be the default.

If you don't know how to change a style. You can visit this:

This thread has been locked.

Thank you.
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