Not a bug Can't sort threads by posted date anymore

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회원 | Member
회원 | Member
Jun 17, 2018
I used to be able to scroll to the bottom of a forum and change the sort order and set it to show threads in order they were created (descending). This allowed me to see all the newest games that were posted. I don't see the ability to sort this way anymore.

Could you take a screenshot, that what you’re trying to do.
I found what I was looking for. The sort options have now moved to the filters button near the top right corner of the forums
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I found what I was looking for. The sort options have now moved to the filters button near the top right corner of the forums
I’m glad to hear that you have found out! This was something has changed by XenForo software happened well.

This thread has been closed and not a bug report was marked.
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