Code Vein delayed to next year

Undying Wizard

Nice Guy
회원 | Member
Jun 12, 2018

Though it was to release this September, Bandai Namco's Souls-like action game Code Vein has been officially pushed back to a 2019 release. The reason for the delay is so that the gameplay and overall experience can be refined, which means the game needs extra development time. When Code Vein does launch next year, it'll be for Playstation 4, PC, and Xbox One.

Code Vein has received an enormous amount of positive feedback from eager fans who have received hands-on time with in-development versions of the game over the past nine months. Armed with knowledge of how well the game has already been received, we made the decision to postpone the release of Code vein to further refine its gameplay in an effort to exceed the expectations fans already have of the title. It was a difficult decision to make, but we feel it is the correct one.
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