Code Vein Network Test - [CUSA-15975] Offline Bypass


회원 | Member
회원 | Member
Apr 16, 2021
So at the moment currently, there is an fpkg of this build that allows for anyone to download this build onto their JB PS4's but this build still needs an offline bypass.

During its network test period, this game was able to be played offline and it was figured out by a few players during the test that the game only performs an online check when you are at the main menu. Past that point, they were able to play offline without a network connection entirely. As such, an offline bypass for this build should theoretically not be too difficult to implement.
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Thank you for the post this, I will check soon or tomorrow to test Code vein beta on PS4
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@Bowzark, hey again, looks like that code vein beta and official is the same as PAK, but I tried to patch Defaultengine.ini swap from PS4 to PC, and wouldn't let you log in and will say give you an error,
LogActiveUser: Warning: 外部UIインターフェイスにアクセスできない(OSSがおかしい)

LogActiveUser : Warning : 외부 UI 인터페이스에 액세스 할 수 없습니다 (OSS가 이상합니다)

LogActiveUser: Warning: Unable to access external UI interface (OSS is strange)

Unfortunately, I would need to use IDA to analyze PSN login requirements to patch