Exercise game recommendations


회원 | Member
회원 | Member
Jun 28, 2019
Hi guys,

Since I’m stuck at home I’m doing even less exercise than normal... any good games that I could use to exercise? I have all three major consoles, but I would prefer Switch games so I could just get them from here.

there is no way that guy asked for something and did not even liked or gave you a simple "thank you" right ?
there is no way that guy asked for something and did not even liked or gave you a simple "thank you" right ?
Hey, I’m not on the site 24/7... I just logged in and saw the recommendations.
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Fitness Boxing + Ring Fit adventure + Zumba

  1. Fitness Boxing
    Ring Fit Adventure

    Zumba® Burn It Up!
Thanks African! I’ll probably try the boxing one first. I wonder how useful will ring fit be without the device...
If none of the recommended games works for you. You can just go on a thread mill while listening to your favorite music. It's not necessarily gaming-related but it works for me most of the times.
If none of the recommended games works for you. You can just go on a thread mill while listening to your favorite music. It's not necessarily gaming-related but it works for me most of the times.

That’s definitely not an option where I live right now... I’ve been playing the boxing game.