Implemented Infractions/Warnings for Spammers

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Request PS2 Games To Me
회원 | Member
Jun 12, 2018
We should have an infraction system for people who spam shoutbox, threads, and people that are constantly asking for 5.55 /5.56 exploit. Also people that keep asking for games that are obviously not available for 5.05.
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Reactions: feist303
Ah really? Well where is it;.. In the forums in the rules? (Never read those, common sense and keeping my eyes open to what happens when I'm scouring the forums works out just fine actually :) Anyways, I just posted this, sorry first time I did it btw :) But it did lead me coming here with the idea !!! Didn't know this thread was here, so where is the warning system then? Non-registered users shouldn't be able to use the shout box imo .... It's only to ask when they need something, won't see them contributing so.... That might be a good idea?


  1. 3 minutes ago - feist303:
    Any news on 5.5 ? :biggrin: :biggrin:
  2. 1 minute ago - feist303:
    Sorry btw, only used the shout box for reals once but every time I pass it I see someone asking about it.... Would socialize a bit if I didn't see people asking for it 9 out of 10 times I pass by the shout box....
  3. 1 minute ago - feist303:
    Might be a good idea to put a header up, LEARN TO USE GOOGLE BEFORE MODDING haha

That being said, the one time I used it when I registered I did end up talking for a few hours, instead of getting my mod on :D

Would really use it to socialize a bit if it wasn't for seeing that question whenever the shout box passes by (well, almost always, right now I didn't so .... I'm not used to that so thought I'd chime in :p I know not funny....) Anyways, it is a big turn off, would like to use it but really I just put that down in the shout box cus it's, well, I'm just so used to seeing it in there every time I go back to the main forum and scroll down .... :/
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-I delete posts from people asking when JB 5.50 will come out/when they will be able to play spiderman (for example) when I see them (shoutbox)
When you delete those, do they get warning points?
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