Name Change Requests


Staff member
관리자 | Admin
회원 | Member
Mar 10, 2018
If you'd like your username to be changed then make your request here! Tag,

So she/he can see and respond to the request.

  1. Usernames are not avatars that are changed every 5 mins. Pick a name that you will stick to for a long time as to not constantly harass the staff.
  2. Please use the search bar found in the Members section titled "Find Member" to see if the name you want is not already taken!
  3. If you change your name and a new user registers with your previous name, you will NOT be getting it back.
  4. Currently, if an inactive member has a name you want, then you're out of luck. Note: This rule can be modified in the future
  5. This thread is currently: OPEN. If closed, too bad you missed your chance. No exceptions.
AKL-BOT said:

Old username: AKL
New username: AKL Senpai

This is not first time that i report bad behaviours, insults and etc. from other peoples, in chat. Lets get example from today person seanp2500, yestarday he try insult me, after that he insult other comrade in chat, after that someone write in chat that seanp2500 is selling drugs, and after that he show pervert animated gif. I normal person, can see one time, two time one gif animated, but this is repeating, repeating and if you see it you can see the pervert. But lets not concentrate here, lets open poll and inform peoples to vote for 1 week or 1 month's and lets see how they will feel if someone tell them " dick, insult him, and etc. " statics comment nobody like to be insulted and treated bad. If person had ban rights he inmediatelly will ban him, but if person don't have ban rights this don't mean he need to listen his insults, damages, damages are psychological " lets remember that in usa peoples are suicide from peoples with bad treatments " and if ban don't like it, then put in right of every user to be reported or to has option hide this user in chat or hide bad words. If peoples from don't get this case in seriously, then lets ask them, how they are gonna feel if they are treated bad. what i see in chat is english speaker only, this mean every person who speak english, but when person don't speak nativy english don't mean he has to be treated like crap and this is what i see in chats lately. in chat write" english speakers" so if someone write " hi " he speak english, in chat don't comment " english native only "

fot this bad person who will try think bad " this is incorect topic " yo uare wrong. Users don't have rights to open new topic so if you blame someone blame who make why they put limit to something important to prevent the bad.
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