Pending Update and Itemzflo question


회원 | Member
회원 | Member
Mar 18, 2018

Checking if anyone has, or has gotten rid of an pending update for PS5? Explanation below but i believe that is causing my issue and of course sketchy to do things when you can click the wrong "update now" button.

If I factory Reset the system, i believe that would get rid of the update i read, but would my games be gone off the M2 Drive? Or would possibly the M2 be recognized by Itemzflo afterwards and see the games i copied there?

I played MK11, and was going about adding the skins, and had a kernal panic. Then after that when i went back onto the ps5 it will not let me open itemzflo and says "Cannot start app".

So to fix that I had to navigate through users guide and find a way to finally get to the google search bar and go back and jailbreak the site.

But now if i shut the PS5 off ( didn't mean to but either kernal panic or a power outtage which we just had), and i always have to go back to finding google and then redo the jb.