ps3 HEN 3.0.1 RAP activation on the fly wont work


회원 | Member
회원 | Member
Jun 21, 2018
Dear community
- I have a ps3 SLIM running hfw 4.86.1 with HEN 3.0.1 and the on the fly activation of RAP files used to work.

-First i had the 4.84 then i upgraded to 4.85.1 hfw with 3.0.0 HEN.

-Then I installed the HEN TOOLBOX after applying the patches to DEV_FLASH (i think it was) and then everytime I runned HEN it freezed and did not work anymore.

-So I fully formated the systems HDD but forgot to deactivate the system first and reinstalled the HFW again and I updated to the latest HFW 4.86.1 and activated my system and then did the exploit

-now everything works perfect except for the rap activation. Can someone please help me I tried putting it on usb and the hdd in EXDATA but still no succes, I do have the a act.file what can i do ??! I am really not smart enough to figure this one out on my own.

Greetings DeSeRtWiNgS and thanks for your time reading this

I signed the rap files to a riff.pkg
I found out what it was, very stupid of me, I had a rap file on the USB but forgot to install the pkg, I taught it was included in my game, it was an activation code.

I found the matching edat, could not find the pkg and was to lazy to repack it in a pkg. I pasted in the correct folder and boom it worked

I am now going to try it with a small pkg and a rap file i keep you up to date if something is wrong with HEN I dont think so, you cannot activate content if it is not there.

but after all if I put it on the usb it schould pop up in multiman where my act.dat should be, but that was not the case, so i am going to try my other usb port and keep you up to date

edit: Rap activation worked on the fly i had a wrong region rap file
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