Repacked PKG doesn't work...


회원 | Member
회원 | Member
Oct 28, 2018
I'm trying to repack the GTA III PS2 Classic fpkg. The reason is that I want to patch the disc01.iso, so that the game to be in proper widescreen -
The steps that I'm doing are:
1) extract the fpkg with PS4PKGViewer.v1.5-LMAN;
2) patch the ISO;
3) generate gp4 file with gengp4.exe;
4) open the gp4 file with orbis-pub-gen.exe (from Fake PKG Tools v1.5.1) and build the new fpkg file. (in Project Setting everything is set up correctly, I've tried with Digital and BD, Max 50GB and with Digital only, Max 50GB, application type - Paid or Free)
5) install the new fpkg from Debug Settings.

When I try to run the game I don't get the PlayStation 2 logo. I get save game is corrupted and ask me to delete and create new one with OK and Cancel, no matter what I select I get the same message for corrupted save game. Even after deleting everything related to the game from the storage I get the same message. I decided to try everything without modifying the ISO, so just extract and repack the fpkg and again get the same error. After that tried the same method with different fpkg - Flatout 4. Flatout 4 start and just stays on the beginning image and nothing more... So the problem is somewhere in the extraction method or in the repacking method. The fpkgs are fine, I've played them before the repacking with no problem. I don't know where is the problem. Is there any difference if I dump the game to USB from the console and the extraction with PS4PKGViewer.v1.5-LMAN? I didn't try the dumping method...
So I've tried also dumping GTA III to USB, after that repack again. This time the game just hangs on the starting image just like Flatout 4...