The New guy!


회원 | Member
회원 | Member
Mar 25, 2023
1. How did you find ayakalounge? Through a mod vid
2. What is your favorite games? Earthbound, Ninja Gaiden, Destiny
3. What is your favorite anime or cartoon, comic, drama? G.I.Joe
4. Do have any musical interests you would like to share with us? Black Metal
5. Where are you from? - U S A
6. What is your occupation? IT
7. What are some of your talents or things you are proud of doing or having? Illustrator, Husband, Dog dad
8. What are your hobbies? Music, cannabis, exercise
9. What games do you enjoy playing? FPS
Hiya, Welcome to AKL Guild!

I hope you are enjoying our community and discussion with everyone!