Time to say hello ....


회원 | Member
회원 | Member
Oct 12, 2022
1. How did you find ayakalounge? Google is great.
2. What is your favorite games? Too many to mention as have been around since the atari 2600
3. What is your favorite anime or cartoon, comic, drama? Bart Simpson
4. Do have any musical interests you would like to share with us? Was a DJ for 22 years, what a ride.....
5. Where are you from? - If you don't like to say. Just say another world or something. Earth was aa place
6. What is your occupation? Purchasing Manager
7. What are some of your talents or things you are proud of doing or having? Many game consoles and my kids :)
8. What are your hobbies? Music, gaming, internet and computers
9. What games do you enjoy playing? Mostly Call of Duty
My name is Rab and happy to be here and hope to make a few friends.
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