Not a bug Cant "thanks" on the post and You have insufficient privileges to reply here.

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회원 | Member
회원 | Member
Nov 17, 2018
Hi, I have the following problem on the thread
I cant push the button "thanks" to see the download links and cant reply / write on the thread because I see a message that says "You have insufficient privileges to reply here".
I've been around here for a while and never have a problem like that, no ADblocker and I have tried with diff browsers and so far this is the only post/thread for me where I have this problem.
Thanks in advance for the help
the reason why you cant click on the thanks button is because you are on " Dead Links" section of the switch NSP.
that section is to let uploader know what links are dead not for regular users like you

Screenshot (22).png
If you come across thread in dead section click "report" button and ask for reupload. so uploader move it and reupload it with new links
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