ESP8266 how to make a ps4 exploit .bin file to host and flash

correct---only need paste your ink direction in your index...example up

add this

<div style="text-align:center">
<h1 style='font-size:40px;text-align:center;color:#58ff8f;margin-top:10%;'>.: Trainer PS4 FirmWare 9.00 :.</h1>
<a style='font-size:30px;text-align:center;color:#8bf5ff;' href="YourTrainerLink.html">_( Trainer )_</a>

in YourTrainerLink paste your direction
ok you want me to replace what I currently have with that? cuz I just tried adding it and it didn't look so good lol
<a href=""><button style='font-size:20px;text-align:center;background:rgba(0,0,0,0.0);color:white'' class="pointer" onMouseOver="msgs2.innerHTML='Lazarus Offline Trainer'" ; onmouseout="msgs2.innerHTML='STATUS'" type="button"><B> Offline Trainer </B></button></a>

<a style='font-size:30px;text-align:center;color:#8bf5ff;' href="">_(Trainer)_</a>
Work ok...
what do you want? more style?
to give it more style or to make it look better, I would suggest you not to use a can apply an image to the link or remove the can replace the text with an image... like this...

<a style='font-size:30px;text-align:center;color:#8bf5ff;' href=""><img src="trainer.png"></a>

"trainer.png" Your Image of Trainer ^_*
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I’m sorry maybe I don’t know how to explain myself. I am currently using my custom host on a esp8266 and just upgraded it to 16mb so with the extra mb I want to add Offline Trainer to it so I don’t have to go online at all.
I’m sorry maybe I don’t know how to explain myself. I am currently using my custom host on a esp8266 and just upgraded it to 16mb so with the extra mb I want to add Offline Trainer to it so I don’t have to go online at all. the trainer or create you one
2. make trainer.manifest to trainer.html (for create cache to trainer)
3. create script cache in trainer.html
4. add the link of trainer.html to the main page (index.html)
that`s it
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Reactions: laz305 the trainer or create you one
2. make trainer.manifest to trainer.html (for create cache to trainer)
3. create script cache in trainer.html
4. add the link of trainer.html to the main page (index.html)
that`s it
Thanks but that is a bit out of my league. I’m more of a copy/paste kinda guy. Can I send you what I got please?
(this is my method))
in your trainer.html or index (redirection)
first add .
<html manifest="trainer.manifest"> in the top

then in the scripts sector add this script :

window.applicationCache.ondownloading = function()
document.getElementById("progress").innerHTML="<h3>Page Caching Started!</h3>";
window.applicationCache.onprogress = function(a)
document.getElementById("progress").innerHTML="<h3>Index Cache : "+(Math.round(100*(a.loaded/"% Kompletado</h3>";
window.applicationCache.oncached = window.applicationCache.onupdateready = function()
document.getElementById("progress").innerHTML="<h3>Page Cached Successfully! Turn Off the Internet & Reopen the Page!</h3>";

this will detect that that page wants to save cache and save it
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if you need to redirect the page from index.html use this script

window.applicationCache.ondownloading=function(){document.getElementById("progress").innerHTML="Page Caching Started!!";};
window.applicationCache.oncached=function(){document.getElementById("progress").innerHTML="Page Cached Successfully!!";setTimeout(function(){document.getElementById("progress").innerHTML="Turn Off the Internet & Reopen the Page !!"; }, 1500);};

but....Srry this is not the place to explain this to ends here...send me a message if you get lost ^_^
neluve, can you explain to me how to do it? I put the right dns the procedure is right, but I go to the user guide, and I always get the old host 5.05 / 7.55 but why? surely it will be because it does not make me delete the web data from the browser settings
Hello, ^_* as I read you... you have corrupt data in the browser...
you have 2 options (my opinion)
1. through an online host or pc access your ps4 with GoldHen or FTP Server and go to the directory....user/system/webbrowser/ and delete the appcache folder
2. if you don't care what you have saved...delete system data in recovery mode.
Neluve I tried as you told me by entering with FPT but does not let me delede it because????
sorry to read that...try to save save data etc and do a factory reset, if that doesn't fix it...hard drive damaged
but if the restore I lose the firmware too? and what's more, we are not even sure that it will solve me
Hi ^_^ it is possible, you just need add index.html with two addresses...example with two directions..

<div style="text-align:center">
<h1 style='font-size:50px;text-align:center;color:#58ff8f;margin-top:10%;'>.: Exploits PS4 FirmWare 9.00 :.</h1>
<a style='font-size:40px;text-align:center;color:#8bf5ff;' href="prb.html">_( PRB Exploits )_</a>
<a style='font-size:40px;text-align:center;color:#ffb452;' href="karo.html">_( Karo Exploits )_</a>

____ href="prb.html"____ is the reference of the link of the page ^_*
Thank you so much for help
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sorry, what I understand is that I could put 2 hosts the rest of how to do all these acronyms I don't understand. but the fact remains that I stay with the old azil host on the user guide if I remember correctly, and if I can't delete this I don't know how to put another one
reset system, clean and restore data...does not remove your firmware version 9.00