Tutorial How to get the latest version of Luma3DS


ジャーメイン | Black, White, and Asian
Staff member
중재자 | Mod
회원 | Member
Jun 21, 2018

What it is​

Luma3DS is a program patching and reimplementing significant parts of the software running on all models of the Nintendo 3DS family of consoles.

It aims at greatly improving the user experience and at supporting the 3DS far beyond its end-of-life. Features include:

  • First class support of 3DSX homebrew
  • An overlay menu called "Rosalina" (triggerable by L+Down+Select by default), allowing amongst many thing to take screenshots while in-game
  • Removal of restrictions such as the region lock
  • Per-game language settings, asset content path redirection (LayeredFS), game plugins...
  • A fully-fledged GDB stub allowing to debug software (homebrew and system software alike)
  • ... and much more!
Luma3DS requires a full-system persisent exploit such as boot9strap to run.

Get it from its official Github repository: https://github.com/LumaTeam/Luma3DS/releases/
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